A fun and entertaining experience that brings people together and fosters a spirt of cooperation

Topple the dominos in a long cascade and enjoy the results as the domino orchestra plays a unique musical work in an illuminated rainbow of pastel hues! Every set features a different sound profile (vocals, percussion, marimba, balafon or flute), and every domino has its own sound. Join forces with other players to set up the dominos faster and trigger the next cascade, or nudge them in the opposite direction to reverse the sound sequence. With its vintage tropical colours, the interactive and collaborative domino effect experience makes for a positive, invigorating activity to help you thumb your nose at the winter gloom!

Technical features

Composition: Choice of 6 or 12, each with 10 sound and light dominoes.

Weight of one module: 551 pounds / 250 kilos

Installation footprint:

  • 6 modules: approx. 548 ft2 (51 m 2)
  • 10 modules: approx. 1,096 ft2 (102 m 2)

Several configurations are possible, depending on the site and the desired experience.


Ingrid Ingrid

Interactive experience designer

Geneviève Levasseur

Architecture designer

Katherine Melançon

Enrique Enriquez

Lighting designer

Lightfactor Inc.

Technology designer

Myriam Bleau

Les Productions Version 10

Industrial designer

Dix au carré


Solufab, Rotoplast and Nordesco


Quartier des Spectacles Partnership

Executive Production, Touring

Jack World


« Nearly all of us of have had the pleasure of toppling over a long line of dominos! We decided to use that simple, fun and universal pastime to bring passers-by together and foster a spirit of cooperation. We hope that participants will join forces to set the dominos back up and explore the different soundscapes the dominos create whenever they are handled or knocked over. For effet domino, we wanted to use bright tropical colours and fun, flashy patterns and sounds to give the installation and video a really playful feel and help people forget the winter gloom. »

Geneviève Levasseur Creative Director, Ingrid Ingrid
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Effet Domino de Ingrid Ingrid, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Canada, 2023 © Robert Laflamme

Effet Domino de Ingrid Ingrid, Montréal, Canada © Nicolas Gouin, L’Hibou

Effet Domino de Ingrid Ingrid, Saint-Denver, USA, 2021 © Cherry Creek North

Effet Domino de Ingrid Ingrid, Montréal, Canada © Nicolas Gouin, L’Hibou

Effet Domino de Ingrid Ingrid, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Canada, 2023 © Robert Laflamme

Effet Domino de Ingrid Ingrid, Montréal, Canada © Nicolas Gouin, L’Hibou

Effet Domino de Ingrid Ingrid, Winnipeg, Canada, 2023 © Assiniboine Park

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