Celestia by Kleis

About the Project

An Innovative Collaboration Between UNESCO Creative Cities of Canada Led to the Creation of Celestia, a Participatory Art Installation by Studio Kleis

The installation consists of a collection of seven colorful modules made of steel and 100% recycled polystyrene, which come to life with sound and light as spectators approach and interact with them. Inspired by the Seven Sisters from the Greek myth of the Pleiades, these modules are unique in color, emotion, and character.

Sandrine Thériault, creator at Kleis, describes the interaction between the installation and the spectator: “From the outside, the collection attracts spectators with its flickering lights, colors, and shapes. But the interaction goes far beyond that first impression. It’s participatory furniture that truly engages the public.”

Celestia is the result of a rewarding artistic collaboration, bringing together Carolanne Foucher, a Quebecois author and poet, Jérôme Guilleaume, a sound designer, Yolande Okia Picard, a Huron-Wendat storyteller and writer, and the Kleis studio. Together, they have created a unique artistic experience where each module offers a distinct atmosphere, and where music, poetry, and light interact, immersing spectators in a dreamlike and contemplative environment.


Dates and venues

  • Quebec City: First presentation from October 1, 2024, to December 15, 2024, at the ExpoCité site.
  • Toronto: February 14, 2025, to March 16, 2025.
  • London: Summer 2025.
  • Montreal: November 28, 2025, to March 8, 2026.


The Genesis of the Project

Initiated by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN), Celestia stands out for its integration of the specific disciplines from each participating city: literature (Quebec City), design (Montreal), digital arts (Toronto), and music (London).

Co-produced by the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership (QDS) in Montreal, ExpoCité in Quebec City, and Sankofa Square (formerly Yonge Dundas Square) in Toronto (the Co-producers), the concept reflects the partners’ shared vision for occupying public space by entrusting artists with the task of creating a work that incorporates each of the partner cities’ elements (literature, design, digital arts, and music).

About UNESCO Creative Cities

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was created in 2004 to promote cooperation with and among cities that have recognized creativity as a strategic factor in sustainable urban development, encompassing economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects. The members of this global network, which consists of 350 cities, are committed to sharing their best practices, developing partnerships to promote creativity and cultural industries, strengthening participation in cultural life, and integrating culture into their urban development plans. They also contribute to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 at the local level.The UCCN in Canada includes four cities and is supported by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO:

  • Montreal, Creative City of Design since 2006
  • Quebec City, Creative City of Literature since 2017
  • Toronto, Creative City of Media Arts since 2017
  • London, Creative City of Music since 2021

Celestia marks a unique collaboration among Canada’s UNESCO Creative Cities.


Montreal, City of Design

Montreal joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in 2006 by earning the designation of Creative City of Design, the first in North America. UNESCO thus recognized the commitment and determination of the City of Montreal to leverage the potential of designers to improve the quality of life for its residents. To achieve this, the city relies on a rich pool of designers and a network of local and international institutions dedicated to their training, development, and promotion. Montreal UNESCO City of Design is a collective project. For nearly twenty years, this designation has served as a lever to bring forth projects that have highlighted designers as a dynamic force in Montreal’s cultural and economic life and have contributed to the city’s global reputation.


Quebec, City of Literature

In 2017, Quebec City joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network by becoming the first French-speaking city to receive the distinction of “Creative City of Literature.” This designation recognizes its exceptional literary vitality, including that of the Huron-Wendat Nation, in promoting literary arts and their ability to build more united communities. The literary and cultural organizations, independent bookstores, publishing houses, specialized media, and over 200 writers and literary artists from Quebec City and Wendake embody the spirit of Quebec City as a UNESCO Creative City of Literature daily. Quebec City will have the pleasure of hosting the world premiere of Celestia by Kleis.


Toronto, City of Media Arts

The City of Toronto was the first Canadian city to be designated a Creative City of Media Arts for its leadership in film, music, digital media and forms of cultural expression using technology. Through this designation the City aims to strengthen the role of creativity and culture in the lives of everyone in Toronto and to communicate its importance in sustainable urban development. 


London, City of Music

London has deep roots in the creative field of music and continues working towards improving and growing the sector. With award-winning neighbourhoods and unique cultural offerings, London is host to world-renowned festivals and events year-round. London’s distinct advantage is being a music education and production hub with three internationally recognized post-secondary schools. London continues to develop world-renowned, award-winning talent including artists, songwriters, producers and engineers. Music is central to building London into a robust, culturally diverse music community.

Artists Biographies


Kleis Inc. positions itself as a company specializing in performance, event planning, and site design, also excelling in the complete transformation of spaces to create unique and captivating environments.

Founded by two seasoned professionals with diverse skills, our dynamic and agile team is fully dedicated to designing and executing innovative artistic projects.

Kleis Inc. Designer

Carolanne Foucher is an actress, playwright, and poet, trained in literature and acting. She contributes to Celestia with her voice and poems, highlighting the sisterhood of the constellation’s modules.

Her acclaimed works include the poetry collections Deux et demie and Submersible, and the play Manipuler avec soin. Her children’s book Dessiner dans les marges et autres activités de fantôme was nominated for the 2022 Governor General’s Literary Awards. Carolanne also works as a script editor and screenwriter for several TV projects.

Carolanne Foucher Actress, Playwright, and Poet, trained in literature and acting

Yolande Okia Picard is a storyteller, speaker, author, and craftswoman from the Wendat nation. She contributes to Celestia with her voice and a wendat tale, inspired by the Pleiades myth. 

Born in Val-d’Or and now based in Wendake, she reconnects with her ancestors’ culture. Since the 1990s, she has traveled across Canada and the world, sharing and preserving First Nations legends and stories. Among her books, you can find Okia te conte, légendes et récits amérindiens and Les 13 lunes d’Okia. For Yolande, storytelling is a powerful tool for enriching all ages, offering both enjoyment and learning, with the ultimate goal of fostering peace through shared values.

Yolande Okia Picard Storyteller, Speaker, Author, and Craftswoman

Jérôme Guilleaume is a multidisciplinary artist based in Montreal, trained in classical violin but quickly focusing on digital music. He contributes to Celestia with his talent in sound desgin.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics from UQAM (2007) and is self-taught in digital explorations. Working mainly in audio and live performance, he has performed on major local (MUTEK, Piknic Électronik, MEG) and international stages over the past 15 years. Fascinated by movement, language, and mathematics, he explores these intersections through digital art, creating fluid, organic, and contemplative works.

Jérôme Guilleaume Sound Designer
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The Huron-Wendat Legend

Storyteller Yolande Okia Picard states that legends always come to share values that help us better understand the meaning of life and grow emotionally, which she describes as “keys to opening the doors of the soul.” Every legend teaches us a value.

The Pleiades are very important to the Wendat. When they reach their zenith in the sky, it marks the beginning of the new year and the end of a cycle of thirteen moons. This moment usually occurs between mid-December and mid-February.

During this celebration, a new cycle begins. The ashes are turned. Forgiveness is given.

This period is an opportunity to give back what has been received, knowing that the Creator, life, and nature will return everything we need for the new cycle. It is also a time to share a feast, play the snake game on the snow, and enjoy activities like the bowl game, a game of chance, strategy, and sharing.

This legend invites us to embrace the value of sharing and reminds us of the importance of community life, often forgotten in modern times.

The co-production of Celestia is a wonderful opportunity for sharing between the UNESCO Creative Cities, as well as a chance to highlight Quebec and Wendat literature through two authors, one from the city of Quebec and the other from the Huron-Wendat Nation.