February 21, 2024
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News The Musical Bikes are now featured in the QDSinternational catalog!

Embrace the arrival of Spring with vibrancy and freshness! Discover our newest installation: The Musical Bikes by Atracktiv.
Immerse yourself into a one-of-a-kind experience where every pedal stroke brings forth a different instrument playing a popular pop song.
Gather your team, pedal in unison and breathe life into a harmonious melody.
This installation beckons interaction, collective creativity, and sheer delight. Prepare for unforgettable moments of laughter with this experience that will have you moving, singing, and dancing!

The Musical Bikes get a fresh new look!
In anticipation of the festival season, the Musical Bikes are getting a fresh look! Our executive producer for the touring of our installations, Jack World, is busy preparing them for their grand departure; a new anchoring platform for increased stability and new transport boxes to ensure their safe travels are in progress.