June 27, 2024

Éloge de l'air de Studio Chevalvert, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2023 © Éric Danhier
Sound, light, motion, is the recipe
by Jacquelyn West
QDSinternational has this recipe because we know it is successful.
Let us tell you more about how these concepts weave together.
In today’s public art landscape, installations that integrate sound, light, and motion enable us to redefine our interactions with communal spaces. These elements create immersive, participatory experiences that capture the imagination, foster connections, and elevate everyday settings into dynamic, interactive environments. At QDSinternational, our innovative artworks demonstrate the profound impact of integrating sound, light, and motion into public space animation.
A New Paradigm in Public Art
QDSinternational, a not-for-profit organization, collaborates with creative partners, co-producers, and exhibitors worldwide to produce and distribute participatory installations. As an affiliate of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, we leverage the years of expertise from commissioning works for North America’s largest cultural district. Our state-of-the-art processes ensure the creation of robust, safe installations suitable for all ages and climates. Our turnkey business model supports public space managers in welcoming these artworks with professional and efficient service delivery.
Interactivity and Sensory Engagement