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September 10, 2024


An Exceptional Collaboration between UNESCO’s Canadian Creative Cities: Celestia

For immediate release


An Exceptional Collaboration between UNESCO’s Canadian Creative Cities: Celestia, a Unique Participatory Installation that will Tour the Country


Montréal,  September 10, 2024 – The Quartier des spectacles Partnership, ExpoCité and Sankofa Square, with the support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and the cities of Montreal, Toronto, Québec City and London, are delighted to unveil Celestia, by studio Kleis. This immersive artistic installation will begin its four-city tour in Quebec City on October 1, 2024, before traveling to the other partner cities.




Celestia transforms public spaces into an enchanted stage through a collection of seven sound and light installations inspired by the celestial myth of the Pleiades. Your presence reveals a colorful and sound-filled universe, where connections and imagination are woven into the fabric of space.




Celestia marks a thoughtful  collaboration between Montreal (City of Design), Quebec City (City of Literature), Toronto (City of Digital Arts) and London (City of Music), all members of UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network (CCN). This global network fosters active cooperation between its members and is made up of 350 cities that place creativity and cultural industries at the heart of their local development strategies.

Cities in the network commit to sharing best practices, promoting creativity and cultural industries, strengthening cultural participation, and integrating culture into urban development plans. They also support the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals locally, with backing from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.




Celestia, stands out for its integration of the specific disciplines of each city. The installation is the result of an enriching artistic collaboration between Quebec author and poet Carolanne Foucher, sound designer Jérôme Guilleaume, Huron-Wendat storyteller and writer Yolande Okia Picard, and Studio Kleis. Together, they have created a unique artistic experience that combines literature, digital art, design and music. This collaborative vision is the ultimate winner of a call for projects for a participatory art installation from The Quartier des spectacles Partnership, ExpoCité and Sankofa Square.

The installation consists of seven large, colorful   made of steel and 100% recycled polystyrene, that become illuminated as the audience approaches. Inspired by the seven sisters of the Greek myth of the Pleiades, these structures are unique in color, emotion and character.

Sandrine Thériault, designer at Kleis, describes the installation’s interaction with the viewer: “From the outside, the collection attracts the viewer with its flashes, colors and shapes. But the audience interaction goes far beyond this first impression. It is participatory furniture that truly  engages the public.

Celestia showcases  a sound dimension, combining poetry and music to enrich the public experience. As visitors approach, the modules trigger music and poems recited in French and English. Each module offers a unique ambiance, where music, poetry and light respond to each other, immersing the viewer in a dreamlike, contemplative atmosphere.




  • Québec City: First presentation from October 1, 2024 to December 16, 2024, on the ExpoCité site at Place Jean-Béliveau
  • Toronto: February 26, 2025 to March 31, 2025
  • London: Summer 2025
  • Montréal: November 28, 2025 to March 8, 2026


About Quartier des spectacles international

Quartier des spectacles international is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Quartier des spectacles Partnership. Its mission is to animate public spaces with striking sound, light-based  and participatory installations. It produces and distributes these installations in collaboration with creative partners, co-producers and international presenters. For more information, visit


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Mélanie Mingotaud
Communications Mingotwo
514 582-5272


Quartier des spectacles international
Alice Pozzo di Borgo
Touring and Development Coordinator